Before joining Kraemer, Schwab & Co. in 2021, René Rust completed his apprenticeship in Banking with Credit Suisse Group in 1994 and gained several years of experience as a Private Client Advisor. From 2000 he worked as a Relationship Manager in the Private Banking Switzerland division of Bank Leu Ltd. In 2010 he joined the Cantonal Bank of Zurich (Zürcher Kantonalbank) as a Senior Relationship Manager. He then worked during eight years as a Senior Financial Advisor at the Cantonal Bank of Lucerne (Luzerner Kantonalbank) where he held the position of a team leader in Private Banking for the last four years. René Rust is a Banking Specialist with a Swiss Federal Diploma. Furthermore, he holds a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Banking Real Estate Finance and he is a certified SAQ Wealth Management Advisor CWMA.